Some products state that they prevent and reverse the signs of aging, other claim to firm, smooth, and lift the skin, and there are plenty that guarantee they stimulate collagen and diminish wrinkles. Anti aging products do fill our heads with promises. There are thousands to pick, but are pocket and are budget have a limit to spend. How can you choose between them, and which ingredients actually might work? So let’s solve that problem with some four rules to remember:
- The best way to prevent anti aging and number #1 is sunscreen
Sun protection is the best antiaging product you have and the best investment you can make. Ninety percent of cosmetic skin problems that occur with age( wrinkles. Sagging, hyperpigmentation) are caused by sun exposure, according to the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. There is waste of money and no point in buying all kinds of antiaging products to repair damage, if you don’t use sunscreen every day. Most cosmeceutical ingredients try to mimic substances found in the body, such as antioxidants, peptides, growth factors, coenzymes, vitamins.
So protecting what we already have naturally and maintaining optimal skin health with daily sun protection and moisturizer is worth a thousand anti aging beauty solution.
- Try to read product labels very closely.
In the label must list ingredients from the highest concentration to the lowest, so if the anti aging element you’re looking for is near the bottom, there’s not enough in the product to do anything. (But remember keep in mind; a high concentration of the chemical is one way to get it into the skin). Most of the ingredients on the label- are the water, moisturizer, binders, and preservatives that make up the vehicle. Often and antiaging product includes silicone to provide a smooth texture to the product and make the complexion look smoother too. It may also contain a little glycolic acid or lactic acid to exfoliate the skin and provide instant gratification. But make sure that the ANTIOXIDANT or PEPTIDE you’re buying is very near the top of the ingredients list.
- When you choose your anti aging ingredients wisely.
Better hope or pretend that all these cosmeceuticals works. With so many new ingredients promising to fix so many problems, how should you decide among them?
Is a prescription RETINOID safe, or should you try an over-the-counter version first?
But first is step back ladies look at your skin and consider what product you already own: a moisturizer? A chemical exfoliate or a scrub? Next check to see if your moisturizer already contains an antioxidant or one of the ingredients I’ll discuss soon.
You may have been using an antiaging product for some time without even knowing it.
Then ask yourself what you are trying to achieve with a cosmeceutical. Are you in your twenties and looking for a preventive product? An antioxidant is a good bet. Do you want to fight wrinkles? Then something with RETINOIC ACID will work. If brown spots and uneven skin tone are your problem, you can use retinoic acid or try a product with NIACINAMIDE. Narrow down what it is about your complexion you want to improve, and that will help narrow down your options.
Taking care of your skin is like caring for a garden, which needs a certain amount of water, nutrients, soil, and sunshine to grow and be healthy. But if you overfeed or over water it, the garden is destroyed, in the same way, putting too much of a good thing on your skin is not necessarily better or more effective. The worst thing is people complaining they have some red, irritated skin and show me twenty different brands products that they use on it. How do all these ingredients react with one another? Are they overlapping the same kinds of chemicals, such as acids, over and over again?
Try to pick one or two active ingredients- an antioxidant and retinoid for instance and stick with them for at least THREE MONTS. Switching from one ingredient to another within a span of a couple of weeks for example: a niacin amide product, then a kojic acid, then an azeleic acid to get rid of brown spots.
4. Research products, and learn the difference between miracle and marketing.
Remember you have to do your homework on ingredients, and think logically about their claims. For instance, exciting ingredients claims to stimulate the production of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and increase the storage of moisture in the dermis.
This chemical has a cool, scientific name and sounds like an amazing discovery, yet it’s simply a plant-derived form of a sugar molecules like the GAGs. Again, the manufacturer’s tests are proprietary, and most products containing the ingredients also include hyaluronic acid, superior humectants. So it’s hard to say which one is responsible for any water retention results in the skin. A little sleuthing online can tell you what a hot new ingredient actually is and if the clinical studies behind it are for real.
Most of these ingredients aren’t really under the jurisdiction of a dermatologist. Traditional medical training has nothing to do with a popular antioxidant like CoffeBerry, or and ingredient like rare, Japanese whether these things provide substantial results or not. My expertise and research so far tree things have been proven to work as anti-aging:
I hope my writing will help you to find the right products, but if you have more question always you can write to me, and I will try to answer the fast is I can. So have a good shopping.