Many people incorporate vitamin C like Anti-aging supplements into their daily regime .A preparation can be used to clarify and even out the skin tone, as it lightens dark spots. That vitamin C is proven to increase collagen synthetics, it aids in the healing of minor cuts and wounds. Getting the right levels of vitamin C may sound easy- but it’s a WATER SOLUBLE vitamin which means it can’t be stored and needs to be topped up every day.
For smokers your intake of vitamin C is likely to be severely depleted and you will definitely need to add more vitamin C, as a supplement or even better for your skin and health- give up smoking.
The purpose behind any real skin care is to give you that younger, freshener look every day. It’s goal to rejuvenate the skin in such a way that its earlier glow and health are maintained.
Vitamin C helps in different ways:
- it moisturizers
- it encourages growth of collagen
- it softens
- it exfoliates and cleanses
- it helps remove wrinkles
Research has shown that vitamin C is really the only thing that stimulates the growth of collagen. As we age, our skin loses essential collagen causing it to sag, stretch, and wrinkle. For the natural way of using vitamin C are lemons, oranges, grapefruit, and papaya.
I mentioned earlier about how you can do your own toner, which is: distilled water, and lemon combined together help lighten and smooth out skin tone.
Any research suggest that vitamin C may also reduce sunburn caused by exposure to ultraviolet B radiation and prevent the consequences of long-term sun exposure which can lead to skin cancer( sources: University of Maryland Medical Center, Bouchez)
For me Vitamin C is the key for the skin, you tried then you will know how it’s works.
If you have any question about what kind Vitamin C serum is right, from what company you can ask me any time, what kind are you using, if its works for you? Be free to ask.
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