Halo everybody today I will be writing about my one of the favorite magazine, which is American Spa Magazine.
American Spa Magazine is full of ideas, and inspirations for everybody, an especially for Beauty Industry. They write about how drinking white vine and applying grape seed oil is beneficial to the skin. Grape seeds contain polyphenols radicals known for damaging the skin and increasing the signs of aging. Also there is so many studies show that grapes are rich nutrition and contain vitamin C. Grape seed oil I am using with any facial treatment, performing face massage. That oil contains minerals and vitamins it is ideal for all skin types.
My favorite article was how to learn a popular website that leverage the power of collective buying can help your spa or any business attract new clients. There are also some ideas about Social Media Secrets.
Right know there are so many great, professional products on the market, so it’s hard to pick which cosmetic is right for me. In that magazine you can find that product for your particular type of skin.
Than another my favorite article was about recent study of Botox. According to the study, facial expressions have a direct affect on patient’s emotions.
So, no matter what look we are trying to achieve, looking NATURAL should always be the healthy and the best choice for all of us.
Antioxidant in certain foods-green tea, olive oil, blueberries, salmon or sunflower seeds-act like SUPERHERO nutrients in the body. They extinguish toxin oxygen molecule known as FREE RADICAL, the bad by products of cell renewal that are also produced by pollution and sun damage.
Why antioxidant is are important to your skin?
Because they are supposed to provide the best protection against UVA rays and age-accelerating FREE RADICAL. But commonly held believes that eating Antioxidant rich food will keep you looking young, scientifically proven smoothes your wrinkles, or reduced a risk for skin cancer. Getting nutrition’s to the surface of your skin is just important as taking the right nutrition’s internally.
What is Free Radical?
Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that target and ultimately damage your tissue, and cells. They are often causes by environmental factors such as UV rays, smoke, chemical and biological pollution, alcohol, and stress. The consequences also include damage to your skin’s DNA, an aged appearance, wrinkles sagging skin, a dull or rough complexion, and an increased risk of skin cancer.
Here are a few Antioxidants in food that benefits to your skin:
-Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Important sources include citrus fruits, like oranges, lime, green peppers, broccoli, green leafy vegetable, strawberries, raw cabbage and tomatoes,
-Vitamin A- Involved in forming new skin cells, also helps keep skin supple and is vital for healthy EYES and HAIR. You can find vitamin A in: whole milk and butter, liver, oily fish and eggs. It can also be manufactured by the body from beta carotene.
-Vitamin E- Important sources included vegetable oil, nuts and seeds, peanut butter, wholegrain, avocado, sunflower, soybean. Also derived from salmon, mackerel, halibut and trout.
-Selenium- This ingredients works best with a Vitamin E to support the immune system, so can help fight infection. The best source is: cereals, meat, seafood, cheese, mushrooms,
-Green Tea- A compound harmed polyphenols, found in the green tea is regarded as one of the best antioxidants, and also reduced RISK for SKIN CANCER.
-Coenzyme Q10- This is one of natural antioxidants in the skin that helps the cells grow and protect them from the ravages of Cancer,
Best combination of vitamins is vitamin C and vitamin E and Selenium. These antioxidants work by speeding up the skin’s natural repair system and by directly inhibiting further damage says: Karen E. Burke, MD PhD of the dermatology school of Medicine department of dermatology.
A study published in The Journal of Investigative Dermatology found that vitamin C and E supplements taken for three months significantly reduced sunburned and sun damage.
In addition to food, consider using antioxidants creams and serums. So look for Organic products with ingredients like vitamin A,B,C and E, the enzyme Q10 and Peptides.
But very important when you buy serums, look for those ingredients on the beginning on the label with the ingredients. If the body is being treated with antioxidants from both the inside and the outside, it will certainly begin to reap the benefits.
From my resource I discovered professional and Organic products in Marshall Store, with a good price and right quality.
Since clogged pores are a key factor in the development of ACNE lesions, removing dead skin cells and unclogging the pores is an important approach to treatment. This can be achieved using alpha hydroxyl acids, beta hydroxyl acids, or microdermabrasion.
Alpha hydroxyl acids(AHAs) are naturally occurring organic acids such as glycolic acid. They are topically applied agents that increase the rate of cell turnover, decrease the stickiness of cells, and exfoliate the skin. As a result, the compacted layer of dead skin cells is made thinner and smoother, and the opening of the pore is less likely to be clogged. These actions can be beneficial in treating and preventing some types of acne( blackhead, whitehead, and mildly inflammatory acne). Dermatologist offer in-office AHA peels in concentrations ranging from 20 to 70 percent. Glycolic acid is the most common type of peel. Home peeling products have recently become available from major cosmetic companies.
Beta hydroxyl acids (BHAs) such as salicylic acid can produce similar benefits. AHAs and BHAs also have been shown to have REJUVENATING effects on the skin. They stimulate production of collage performed in a medical of salon setting. The main difference between alpha hydroxyl acids and beta hydroxyl acids is their ability to dissolve in oil. Alpha hydroxyl acids dissolve in water only, while beta hydroxyl acids can dissolve on oil or water. This difference suggests that theoretically, beta hydroxyl acids are better able to penetrate the oil-rich hair follicle to promote exfoliation.
Both AHA and BHA peels can be helpful for blackhead/whitehead acne and small red bump acne. The peels are useful to treat the acne lesions themselves and can also hasten the resolution of post acne pigment problems.
Similar acne and ant aging benefits can be achieved from microdermabrasion.
Microdermabrasion is a procedure during which a suction tip gently hits the skin while fine sterile particles are used to polish and exfoliate the superficial layer of the skin. The combination of suction and gently exfoliation easily removes dead skin and debris. Blackheads often disappear as they are removed from the impacted follicle.
Benefits of that treatment:
-Improvement of acne, or acne scars,
-Smoother skin texture,
-Improve hyper pigmentation,
Microdermabrasion is a very different procedure than traditional dermabrasion. Traditional dermabrasion is a very aggressive process that abrades off the top layer of the skin and a portion of the middle layer of the skin.
That treatment I recommend in the fall time, because is more safe and effective.