Sep 2, 2010

Treatments that Exfoliate and Unclog Pores

Since clogged pores are a key factor in the development of ACNE lesions, removing dead skin cells and unclogging the pores is an important approach to treatment. This can be achieved using alpha hydroxyl acids, beta hydroxyl acids, or microdermabrasion.


Alpha hydroxyl acids(AHAs) are naturally occurring organic acids such as glycolic acid. They are topically applied agents that increase the rate of cell turnover, decrease the stickiness of cells, and exfoliate the skin. As a result, the compacted layer of dead skin cells is made thinner and smoother, and the opening of the pore is less likely to be clogged. These actions can be beneficial in treating and preventing some types of acne( blackhead, whitehead, and mildly inflammatory acne). Dermatologist offer in-office AHA peels in concentrations ranging from 20 to 70 percent. Glycolic acid is the most common type of peel. Home peeling products have recently become available from major cosmetic companies.


Beta hydroxyl acids (BHAs) such as salicylic acid can produce similar benefits. AHAs and BHAs also have been shown to have REJUVENATING effects on the skin. They stimulate production of collage performed in a medical of salon setting. The main difference between alpha hydroxyl acids and beta hydroxyl acids is their ability to dissolve in oil. Alpha hydroxyl acids dissolve in water only, while beta hydroxyl acids can dissolve on oil or water. This difference suggests that theoretically, beta hydroxyl acids are better able to penetrate the oil-rich hair follicle to promote exfoliation.

Both AHA and BHA peels can be helpful for blackhead/whitehead acne and small red bump acne. The peels are useful to treat the acne lesions themselves and can also hasten the resolution of post acne pigment problems.


Similar acne and ant aging benefits can be achieved from microdermabrasion.

Microdermabrasion is a procedure during which a suction tip gently hits the skin while fine sterile particles are used to polish and exfoliate the superficial layer of the skin. The combination of suction and gently exfoliation easily removes dead skin and debris. Blackheads often disappear as they are removed from the impacted follicle.

Benefits of that treatment:

- Improvement of acne, or acne scars,

- Smoother skin texture,

- Improve hyper pigmentation,

Microdermabrasion is a very different procedure than traditional dermabrasion. Traditional dermabrasion is a very aggressive process that abrades off the top layer of the skin and a portion of the middle layer of the skin.

That treatment I recommend in the fall time, because is more safe and effective.


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