Jun 2, 2010

Brown Spots- Discoloration on the skin- Chicago IL

What is it?

This is called hyper pigmentation is an overproduction of melanin in a certain area, as a response to UV exposure. Hypo pigmentation is another sign of sun damage that results in white spots like confetti sprinkled on the skin. This happens when the sun basically fries the melanocytes in that area and they can no longer produce pigment at all- leaving those spots especially vulnerable to sun damage.

How can you prevent them?

Always remember wear sunscreen every single day and stay out of the sun whenever possible, also the worse hours for sun is between: 12am-4:00pm.

How can you treat those Spots?

Topical lightening agents such as KOJIC acid and HYDROQUINONE will fade brown spots over time, but that can require a long wait. Spot treatments with over-the-counter-strength kojic acid and 2% hydroquinone can take at least six months to work, since they are so mild. Some people with moderate hyper pigmentation should see a dermatologist.

For the light spot on the skin there is certain ingredients used over and over again in the herbal body care formulas for this problem. The ingredients include vitamin E, aloe Vera gel, fruit acids such as lemon juice and organic apply cider vinegar, enzymes such as papaya and pineapple, witch hazel, and horseradish mixed with lemon juice, or milk.

Natural recipe for brown spots:

- ¾ parts of water

- ¼ lemon juice

Cleanse your skin with the cleanser, and after that wash your face with water and used that recipe 2 times a day, you will see result after week. After that, put a moisturizer or sunscreen on day and you ready to go.

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